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Petra-Maria Schumm-Draeger

Zentrum/Innere Medizin/Fünf Höfe; München, Germany

Beruflicher Werdegang:

19741980                     Medicine at the University of Frankfurt/Main

1980                                Approbation as Medical Doctor (MD), ECFMG Certificate (US examination of Medicine), Doctoral Thesis, Internal Medicine/Endocrinology, University Clinics Frankfurt/Main

1988                                Board certification in Internal Medicine („Facharzt für Innere Medizin“)

1989                                Habilitation and lecturer in Internal Medicine, Medical faculty of the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University of Frankfurt School of Medicine

1991                                Board certification in Endocrinology and Diabetology     

19891993                     Senior physician, Dep. of Medicine I (Director: Prof. Dr. K.H. Usadel)

19932002                     Deputy Director, Dep. of Medicine I (Director: Prof. Dr. K.H. Usadel); Chief Senior Consultant in Endocrinology, Diabetology, Chief, Laboratory of Endocrinology, Internal Medicine, Universitiy Clinics Frankfurt/Main

1995                                Verleihung der akademischen Bezeichnung „außerplanmäßiger Professor“ für Innere Medizin an der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt/Main

19992000                     „Limited Permit to Practice Medicine“ (State: New York, USA), and scientific cooperation with Professor J. Friedman, Rockefeller University, N.Y.  

20022016                      Head, Professor of Medicine and Medical Director, Clinic of Endocrinology, Diabetology and Vascular Medicine, Clinic Bogenhausen, Academic teaching hospital of the Technical University Munich (Clinic rechts der Isar)  

Since 07/2016                Medical Director, Zentrum/Innere Medizin/Fünf Höfe; München

Main Clinical and Research areas

Clinical and experimental research in the field of thyroid diseases (autoimmune thyropathies, benign and malignant goiter), clinical Diabetology (Type-2-Diabetes: new therapeutic interventions, early diagnosis and therapy of cardiovascular disease, polyglandular autoimmune syndrome


More than 150 original scientific publications (peer review), Book articles and reviews, editor and reviewer for national/international scientific journals and reviewer for grant agencies

Numerous scientific awards and honours, numerous research grants:

Activities in medical societies and memberships (selection):

–            German Society of Internal Medicine (DGIM):

▫President of DGIM 2016/2017

–            European Federation of Internal Medicine (EFIM):

▫ Member of the Administrative Council since 2003

▫ President of the 17. European Congress of Internal Medicine (ECIM) 2018

–            Professional Society of German Internist (BDI):

▫ Board of Directors since 2008   

–            Worldwide Initiative of Diabetes Education: Board of Directors since 2012

Professional Society of Bavarian Internists: Deputy Director since 2011

–            German Society of Endocrinology (DGE; Vice President 1997–2000)

–            Professional Section of German Endocrinology (BDE), Directors’ Board since 2000

–            German Diabetes Society (DDG)

–            American Diabetes Association (ADA)

–            European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD)

–            International Diabetes Federation (IDF)

–            Endocrine Society (USA)