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Margreet C. Vos

ErasmusMC Rotterdam, the Netherlands

Margreet C. Vos (1961) studied at the Medical Faculty of Erasmus University in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, from 1981 to 1988, graduating cum laude. Since 1995, she has been a staff member at Erasmus MC in Rotterdam. In 2012, she was appointed Professor of Healthcare-Related Infections in the Department of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases.
For nearly 30 years, she has chaired the local infection committee(s) at Erasmus MC. She has delivered hundreds of invited lectures nationally and internationally and has authored over 250 peer-reviewed publications, with a primary focus on infection prevention in the hospital, especially on the built environment. Her research encompasses the effects of design, MSSA/MRSA, the “Search and Destroy” strategy, hand hygiene, outbreaks, and hospital design.
She is a member or chair of various local, national, and international committees and working groups dedicated to developing guidelines on infection prevention, particularly concerning multidrug-resistant microorganisms, medical devices such as endoscopes, and hospital environmental sampling. Additionally, she chairs the committee on the guideline on quality in infection control.

Prof Dr. Margreet Vos serves as the Scientific Officer of the European Study Group on Nosocomial Infections (ESGNI) and chairs the Study Group on S. aureus within the International Society of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (ISAC).