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Luis Campos

Portuguese Council for Health and Environment, Portugal


Luís Campos was a founder and is President of the Portuguese Council for Health and Environment. Specialist in Internal Medicine and master in Quality Management of Health Services from the University of Murcia, he is also commissioner of the National Health Plan 2021-2030, advisor of the General Directorate of Health, chairman of the Quality of Care and Professional Issues Working Group of the European Federation of Internal Medicine (EFIM), and coordinator of Internal Medicine at CUF Belem Clinic. 

Among previous functions, Luís Campos was coordinator of the Hospital Care Team for the Implementation of Health Policies of the Portuguese Ministry of Health, director of the Emergency Department of the Western Area of ​​ Lisbon, director of the Internal Medicine Department of Saint Francisco Xavier Hospital, in Lisbon, invited professor of NOVA Medical School, president of the Portuguese Society of Internal Medicine (PSIM), president of the National Council for Quality in Healthcare, member of the CUF coordinating group for the construction of new Public Private  Partnership hospitals, national coordinator of the Electronic Health Record, national coordinator of the Autoimmunity Study Group of the PSIM, and advisor of Macao and Azores Governments.                                       

Luis Campos presented more than 500 conferences, authored or co-authored about 340 communications, dozens of publications, and 16 book chapters. He was co-editor of two books.  In 2019 he was chair of the 18th European Congress of Internal Medicine.  He is an Honorary Fellow of the American College of Physicians and a Fellow of EFIM. He will receive the National Internal Medicine Award in 2024.

At the same time, Luís Campos has been developing artistic activity since 1981. He has held 24 individual exhibitions and participated in 52 collective exhibitions in Portugal and abroad. He is represented in the most important museum collections in Portugal and some international collections.