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Jan Willem Elte

FDIME, The Netherlands

Curriculum vitae Jan Willem F Elte MD PhD FRCP FACP FEFIM FFPM

Jan Willem F Elte was internist-endocrinologist in Rotterdam and Gouda and former Treasurer of the NIV (Neth.Ass.Int.Med.), AEMI (also President of Young AEMIE) and EFIM.
He was a Member of the European Board of Endocrinology and Secretary General of the European Federation of Internal Medicine (EFIM). Now he is Secretary General of the Foundation for the Development of Internal Medicine in Europe (FDIME). He is also Board member of the Fellowship of Postgraduate Medicine (London). Besides he was co-director of the European School of Internal Medicine 2017-2019 and a Member of the European Board of Internal Medicine. He is a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians (FRCP), the American College of Physicians (FACP), the Fellowship of Postgraduate Medicine (London) and EFIM. He is (co-) author and editor of publications and books on thyroid, diabetes, obesity and differential diagnosis. At his retirement in 2011 he was knighted and became a Honorary Member of the NIV. He is also a Honorary Member of the Romanian Society of Internal Medicine and Foreign Honorary Member of the Russian Society of Internal Medicine.