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Dragan Lovic

Singidunum University, Serbia

Professor Lovic Dragan MD, PhD is a specialist in internal medicine and cardiology. He is Chief of the Hypertension Center, Cardiology department at Clinic for internal diseases Intermedica, in Nis, Serbia. He is a Professor of internal medicine at Singidunum University Medical School, Nis, Serbia and Professor of Medicine and Cardiology at the VAMC University in Washington, DC. His main areas of interest for teaching and research are hypertension, ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, the pathogenesis of essential hypertension, coronary heart disease, neurohumoral activation and treatment of heart failure, arrhythmias, and cardiovascular preven¬tion. He has presented more than 500 abstracts at inter¬national meetings and published more than 150 papers (total citation more than 13000) in international and national journals in the fields of internal medicine, rheumatology, cardiology, and hyper¬tension. He is elected Council Member of the European Society of Hypertension since 2016 and Board member of International Society of Hypertension-Regional Advisory Group since 2014.Professor Lovic is a Fellow of the American College of Physicians (FACP), Fellow of European Society of Cardiology (FESC), Fellow of European federation of Internal Medicine (FEFIM), Specialist of Hypertension of European Society of Hypertension, Past President of the Serbian Society of Hypertension, Past Secretary of Serbian Society of Cardiology and President of the Serbian Association of Internal Medicine. He is member of editorial board of many International Journals.