Dr. Alejandro C. Pazos Sierra is a full professor in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence área and Director of the Department of Computer Science and Information Technologies at University of A Coruña (Spain). He is MD (1986 Faculty of Medicine of University of Santiago de Compostela) and he holds a Master in Artificial Intelligence (1987 Polytechnic University of Madrid), a Ph.D. in Computer Science (1990 Polytechnic University of Madrid) and a second Ph.D. in Medicine (1996 Complutense University of Madrid).
His research lines are Artificial Intelligence techniques as Artificial Neural Networks, Evolutionary Computation and Artificial Vision, and the application of these techniques in different areas of Medicine and e-health. In his 35 years of teaching and research career, he has published more than 300 scientific papers in conferences and high impact JCR journals (cited more than 8400 times, H index 43, i10 index 126 https://scholar.google.es/citations?user=bPAk6fYAAAAJ&hl=es&oi=ao ) and has directed 25 doctoral theses, obtaining the highest grade in all of them. He has been the principal investigator of more than 100 R+D+i and technology transfer projects and contracts, financed by both public administrations and companies. His areas of expertise in higher education includes Artificial Intelligence in Medical and Biomedical area.
He has received numerous awards and recognitions for his academic and scientific work, and was named as a member of the Royal National Academy of Medicine and Surgery de España, the Royal Academy of Medicine of Galicia of Galicia and the Royal Academy of Pharmacy of Galicia. Also he being named “Galician of the Year”, Honorary Member of the Professional College of Computer Engineers of Galicia, awarded the Naval Merit Medal with White Distinction by the Ministry of Defense of Spain.
The research group that he founded in 1991 and directs (RNASA.IMEDIR) has been classified as a group of excellence by the Xunta de Galicia. He is a member of CITIC (Research Centre in Information and Communication Technologies) and INIBIC (Biomedical Research Institute of A Coruña). He is vice president of SITT (Iberian Society of Telemedicine and Telehealth) and member of the Scientific Committee of SEIS (Spanish Society of Health Informatics).