Emeritus Professor at University Paris Cite
Member of French Internal Medicine Society (SNFMI) Board
Director of the FDIME-EFIM annual Clinical Research Seminar
Representative of French Internists at the UEMS
President of the European Foundation for the Development of Internal Medicine in Europe
Previous activities
Head of the Service of Internal Medicine at Saint-Louis Hospital, Paris
Chair of the national committee for qualification in Internal medicine
President of the Professional Council of French Internists
EFIM delegate at the Heath care Professionals Working Party of the EMA
President of the Experts Group for Biomedical Research at the French Medicines Agency
Member of the Committee for Research on Antiviral Therapies at the French Agency for research on AIDS and Viral Hepatitis
Co-author of the Charter on Medical Professionalism on behalf of the European Fédération of Internal Medicine and the American College of Physicians,
Chair of the first European Board of Internal Medicine
President of the European Federation of Internal Medicine Congress in Paris 2005.
Honorary Fellow EFIM
Fellow Infectious Diseases Society of America
Honorary Fellow American College of Physicians
Honorary Fellow Royal College of Physicians London