Sergio Harari

San Giuseppe Hospital, Italy

Sergio Harari is chief of the Department of medicine and director of the Division of Pneumology and of Internal Medicine at San Giuseppe Hospital, Milan. The Division is a national reference for the diagnosis and care of rare pulmonary diseases, vascular and interstitial. Prof Harari is associate professor of Internal Medicine at the University of Milan

Prof. Harari introduced lung transplantation in Italy and for ten years was director of the first Italian program in advance respiratory failure and lung transplantation. His fields of interest cover rare pulmonary diseases (IPF, LAM, Pulmonary Langerhans’ cell histiocytosis, Pulmonary hypertension, etc.) and clinical research on orphan drugs. In addition, Prof. Harari is author of numerous publications in international peer-reviewed journals and specialty books and is Associate Editor of the European Respiratory Review and of the European Respiratory Journal, of the International Journal of Tuberculosis and other lung disease and of Sarcoidosis.